Anthea and Marty from the USA

Like many couples who are now embarking on the journey of planning their wedding, we selected our wedding coordinator from a website.  What stood out about the Heliotopos site were all the pages – over ten years worth – of married couples.  And, when we saw photos showing Spetses, the island where we wanted to be married, we really became excited and contacted the company immediately.

Our relationship with Lila Konstantinidis, our coordinator, was…a match made in heaven! Because we were on the West Coast (US), we could not meet with her beforehand and see venues in person, but Lila bridged this distance for us.  She always responded promptly to our emails, showed endless grace and patience with our questions, provided excellent attention to detail, and kept track of so many moving parts at once.   The vendors she found for us were all exceptionally talented individuals.   Lila’s efforts enabled us to dance all night at our reception, focused on each other and on our guests, secure with the knowledge that all the details were taken care of.  Our wedding (details featured in blogs like “Style Me Pretty” and in the pages of Ta Nea), simply could not have been possible without Lila’s guidance, hard work and confidence.  We recommend Weddings by Heliotopos very highly to any couple marrying in Greece, and are so grateful to Lila for the care she took to ensure our wedding day was truly a magical day.

Teresa and Chad from the USA in TripAdvisor

We were married at Heliotopos 10 years ago and had a unbelievable experience! Lila was wonderful to work with then and we were thrilled that we got to catch up 10 years later. We only had one day on Santorini as a stop on a Windstar cruise and wanted to stop by. We ended up renewing our wedding vows and had another great experience at Heliotopos. No musicians and donkey rides around the caldera this time, but it was like going home. I tell every young couple I meet to consider skipping the stress and escaping to beautiful Santorini and Heliotopos for a wedding they’ll never forget.


Stella and Fred from Beijing

感谢 Heliotopos为我们带来终生难忘的婚礼
水瓶座的 我不太喜欢流程化的婚礼模式,爱琴海使我们一直向往的圣地,起初还在网上翻阅跟团游的圣岛集体婚礼。无意之中搜索到Heliotopos 是很成熟的承办婚礼的酒店。目标锁定后,我便开始了大量的搜索咨询及前期准备工作。在此感谢酒店的工作人员为我们所作出的一切服务。
2012 年6月6日在北京登记结婚后,7日离开北京开始此行的婚礼及蜜月。全程23天跨越希腊,意大利,捷克三国共8个城市。由于 Heliotopos 的预定火爆程度异常,2月就已经敲定了6月12日举行婚礼。商量好了一切细节,包括,新娘手捧花颜色种类,蛋糕口味 形状,摄影时间,摄像时间,配乐使用等。
2012 年6月12日中午Heliotopos的出租司机来到我们住的OIA镇酒店接我们入住Heliotopos,行李员帮忙把我们很沉很沉的 行李搬到我们将入住的海景房。眼前的景色顿时惊呆了我们,面朝大海,春暖花开的真实写照。不,我们的窗外多了火山口而且是爱琴海的蓝色海 面。很快,我们下楼和酒店的婚礼策划人 Ms. Lila 商讨下午的婚礼流程和最终选定的套餐细节。由于6月的希腊温度太不适宜下午举报你婚礼,所以我们选的是傍晚7点左右开始举行的爱琴日落婚礼。商讨好细节之 后,我们回房间化妆,休息后,提前预定的摄像师道我们房间帮我们拍摄照片,感觉很好,比国内的千篇一律的婚纱照感觉好太多太多了,把小清 新和自然诠释到淋漓尽致。于此同时,我们预定的摄像师也一同到位,我们还去附近的小教堂拍摄了外景。约7:30婚礼准时开始了,证婚人先 是让我们庄严地宣誓,再是互换戒指。签署希腊版的结婚证书。当然,是仪式感的那种。留念很不错。别有一番风味。泪点很低的我,在宣读誓言 时流下了幸福的眼泪。交杯酒,切蛋糕,之后酒店还送了当地的画家画的海岛风情装饰画。仪式结束后,摄影师还会再帮我们在 Heliotopos的屋顶上拍摄景点的剪影照片。那时婚礼气氛到达了顶峰。我们最后和酒店的工作人员,小提琴师,证婚人一起合影留念。 将此生最美丽的时刻定格在美丽的爱琴海也留在了彼此的心里。我想那时的火山,大海会祝福我们,远在国内的亲人也同样的祝福我们,以后的生 活一定不会一帆风顺,但想起彼此在爱琴海边许下的诺言,我想一切都不那么重要了。
感谢所有 为我们婚礼做出过协助和配合的工作人员,感谢HELIOTOPOS给予我们难忘不同的婚礼。感谢一切需要感谢的人!
6月13 日上午,摄影师和摄像师会把婚礼的摄像和照相资料整理成DVD送到酒店,我们带着美好的回忆离开了HELIOTOPOS,并在留言簿上写 下了一定在5年内再回HELIOTOPOS的承诺。
再见了爱 琴海,再见了HELIOTOPOS,很快将会再次见面,珍重。朋友们!!
婷婷花下 人   来自北京

Couple from North Carolina in TripAdvisor

“Amazing Experience”

Lila, Vanda, Yiota are amazing. We researched where to have our wedding and the personal service you get from Lila over the internet is by far what sets her above all others in the area. She always responded promptly with questions. It was by far a never forget experience.We ran into some problems with documents and Lila had alternatives solutions that ended up being better than what we had originally planned! She reserved the best Photographer, the best Videographer, and best Hair Stylist (& Make up) I could have asked for. Ms. Helen, you were amazing and thanks for the help with my dress.

The food is amazing (Lila is an amazing cook). The morning breakfast is also amazingly delicious. The ceremony was amazing (both of them). The view is incredible, the staff is so hospitable. We had such an amazing experience. While we ran into some problems as long as you aren’t high strung and amendable to changes (or understand the European way–laid back) you will be fine and Lila and her staff will do everything physically possible to take care of you and your family! Thank you for making the event so relaxing! Everyone had a wonderful time!!!

Marina & Igor from Russia

Dear, beautiful, lovely Lila and Wanda, hi and kali mera!

We are sitting in our hotel on Corfu, it’s a bit rainy outside but we are so happy! And now we clearly understand that the wedding ceremony we had a few days before was the most beautiful and fairy moment of our lives! Really, it was like in a fairy tale, that day will always stay in our memories, because it was the day and the wedding both of us were dreaming about.

Thanks to your care, your attentiveness, your joy, your wise advises, your bravery (we know why J) we had a fantastic wedding ceremony. Our friends said that the ceremony was worth coming from Moscow (2500 km) and they liked it very much, even though they all travel much and they all have seen much. And, of course, our moms and babushka were also so happy and asked us to thank you for such a beautiful wedding, for such precious moments that you have given to them and to their children.

The service you provide to your clients and your job really make people happy. Thank you again! Thank you many-many times!

With many thanks and countless kisses,

Igor and Marina

P.S. Evharisto poli!